SWING is a special collective installation, designed by Stefano Boeri Interiors for the Milan Design Week 2023, on the occasion of the FuoriSalone 2023, as part of the Interni Design Re-Evolution exhibition-event and located in the Pharmacy Courtyard of the University of Milan. Thirty-six seats make up the large swing that will host a Public Music Program, in collaboration with Fondazione I Pomeriggi Musicali. Until April 21, live music performances will be held in the circular space delimited by the SWING. The large carousel populated by dozens of swings also aims to stimulate reflection on the value of free time. The project draws inspiration from early 20th-century Spanish Surrealism and from the American Circus in Madrid, where the protagonists were some performances by artists who read while sitting on a swing, playing on the ambiguity of an oratory literally “suspended” between humor and delirium, joy and culture. The project is an opportunity to rediscover the pleasure of free time, levity and fun, becoming a symbol of man facing the world with rediscovered spontaneity and in harmony with the surrounding environment.

“During Design Week we are used to watching and walking a lot, but instead changing roles and becoming active in a collective game can be a good experience.” Stefano Boeri

The SWING structure is made up of a set of modular systems, assembled to form a large carousel of colored swings. 12 modules, 3 seats for each module, all of which can be reconfigured in other shapes and places. Each module consists of a main structure ballasted in metal tubing joined to support the swing. The LED strips that crown the upper part of the structure are a clear reminder of game and make the atmosphere suggestive also during the night, illuminating the entire Pharmacy Courtyard. The entire structure is designed with a perspective aimed to circularity: the chosen materials (steel and wood for the seats) can be reused in other contexts thanks to the possibility of disassembling and reassembling the individual modules, both respecting the original circular configuration and reinventing its shape and size according to the design needs and places.

Project: Stefano Boeri Interiors
Client: Amazon.it

Photo: Siriana Guoyin Jiang – Diego Ravier

Location: Cortile della Farmacia, Università degli Studi di Milano

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