The Municipal Administration of Cisliano (Milano), together with the Association Una Casa Anche Per Te Onlus (U.c.a.p.te) and Caritas Ambrosiana, present the project for the redevelopment of the “Libera Masseria” – a real estate complex confiscated on Nov. 13, 2014. The renovation works – undertaken thanks to the fundamental support of the Lombardy Region – were entrusted to the Stefano Boeri Interiors studio, called to take on an important design challenge such as the intervention on a confiscated property, which does not only imply a spatial transformation, but takes on a high symbolic value. The goal is to enhance and elevate the evolution that the property has undergone in its seven years of temporary assignment to an asset-presidium of social justice and active citizenship, making it a true model for the renewal of “critical” contexts and places. The intervention will involve a hybrid action: the main buildings will undergo renovation and energy efficiency, while those built later (illegally) will be demolished and replaced by new flexible and sustainable buildings with variable geometries, thus suitable for hosting the activities that will be carried out within the “Libera Masseria”.
“Transforming a closed place of crime and cruelty into an open, green space shared by young people as a venue for training, work and recreation is both a beautiful and powerful project. I thank Don Massimo Mapelli and the Mayor of Cisliano for giving us the opportunity to help the Libera Masseria become a model for the conversion of property confiscated from the mafia into common and public goods.” Stefano Boeri
The two buildings under renovation will be dedicated to food, common spaces and partly converted into training rooms inherent to hospitality and social anti-mafia issues for groups and schools of all levels, as well as for hosting residential and volunteer training camps. For the new buildings, on the other hand, a more radical intervention aimed at respecting the historic and traditional nature of the ‘masseria’ (a typical italian fortified farmhouse) is planned: the new structures, in fact, will be built around a large common open space, which will be used for collective outdoor activities. Open and green spaces will intermingle with the building suggesting and facilitating various situations of social interaction. In fact, the large central square is suitable for hosting events and parties, where the arcade and spaces between buildings also provide shelter from sun and rain. The swimming pool area will be maintained as such encouraging the gathering of the local community and youth during the summer residential camp, while the old parking lot will be turned into an urban vegetable garden, useful for catering training activities. The entire facility is designed to support citizens’ education through knowledge and training paths for youth and adults, the catering enhances the link with local agricultural production, and the hospitality allows for families in temporary need to be accommodated and offered paths to reintegrate into society. The Libera Masseria project represents a strong message in favor of social justice and good civil coexistence, a manifestation to all citizens of how it is possible to transform a place of criminality and suffering into an environment of hope and social inclusion.
Project: Stefano Boeri Interiors
Client: Comune di Rozzano
Location: Via Cusago, 2, 20046 Cisliano Milano